01 September 2009

Tuesday Afternoon... Tests are done for now

Sorry that it took me all day to really feel up to typing this again. This morning I was in for a colonoscopy. That sedation really knocks me out. Once the doctor started pushing the meds, I was feeling all "happy" and don't remeber a thing after that. They tell me that it went well and the pain that I am feeling is from some biopsies that they took. I don't know much more about it than that at this point, as my doctor hasn't been around today yet. I expected it though... he squeezed the colonoscopy in before his slammed clinical day. He should be around sometime soon though to let me know what is what.

Outside that, it's been a really chill day. the PICC line is the only one that I have left in my arm... and it will be there for a couple weeks now. They plan of keeping me "fed" through it for a while.

Well my doctor just showed up to talk.... I will update you all on what he says in a bit.

Much Love to you all

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