20 August 2009

Well... So Much for that thought....

A week or so back I reported that things were looking up again. Well... that just goes to show how quickly things change when it comes to my health and such.

I went and saw the doctor last week in hopes that I could start to taper off this F***ing prednisone that I have been on for way too long, and that's not going to happen quite yet. He put me on to some anitbiotics in hopes to help my body out as it is trying to keep the inflamation under control. One I have been on a couple of times before, and doesn't do anything to me except make me constantly thirsty. The other is a completely new one to me... and it is KICKING MY ASS!!! I don't know if anyone is familiar to the joys of taking Cipro, but if you are not, DO YOUR BEST TO KEEP IT THAT WAY! This is some extreme stuff! They use it for people that have had possible exposure to Anthrax. I know there's always a reason for everything that my doctor does, and he takes into account the possible side effects in compairison to the desired outcome and decides it's worth the risk... but this stuff is really messing with me! Between the return of my Tendonitis and the joint pain, it's causing a major care of insomnia!

Here's a prime example... It's now 2am. Normally I would have been asleep for at least a couple of hours by now... but NO! My body is absolutely spent, my bones and joints ache, my muscles are sore, my bowels are killing me... but my mind is running a million miles a minute and not letting me settle down. All I want to do is get some sleep... and I can't even get that done. Let me tell you my friends.... as some of you know IBD SUX!!!

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