31 August 2009

Monday Afternoon... The plan for today is known

So I got here this morning around 730am... It's currently around 140pm and I just found out the entire plan for the day. Currently I am drinking an INSANE amount of contrast so they can do a CT on my entire torso. When I say insane, I really mean it. I have 3 450ml bottles that I have to drink in 30 minutes. And this stuff SUCKS! It's a cross between lemon lime jello, club soda, and chalk. I am hoping that this is all worth it in the end and they can actually see something when they get in there and look. I'm just glad that it's CT's and not MRI's. I hate being in the enclosed machines! Not that I am clostrophobic or anything... I just don't like the sounds of the magnets swirling around my head. It's all worth it in the end though if I get answers and relief.

When I get back from that... they are going to put a PICC line in my arm. From this they are going to give me nurtition for the next couple weeks as they attempt to give my bowels a rest. They will also use this line to pull all my labs and push all my meds for the next little bit from. It kinda scares me because it's a pretty long line they have to feed into my arm so that it sits in one of the main arteries next to my heart. That's a little scary to think about. I know that they do this all the time and all that jazz... but this is the first time that I will be having this done. I have a lot of questions that I will be asking when the nurse comes to do it.

Now time to go to CT.... See you all in a bit

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