27 August 2009

Still trying to wrap my head around this....

So I went to see my doctors yesterday. First was a check up with my Rhumeotologist so he could check up on my back and see how the Humira was working toward releaving the pain from my Arthritis. He wasn't happy to hear that I was still in pain. From what he saw in my bloodwork and such, the thought that I should be feeling the relief by now... but alas no. So he wants to give it another 5 weeks and see how I feel before trying to determin if it is mechanical instead of muscular. Until then I get to stay on the Fentanyl patches so I can actually go about my day. I absolutely HATE being on pain meds all the time. Most of the time they don't really do anything to me outside just making the pain go away, but every now and again it will hit me and I don't know which way is up! It's the worst when it happens at work and I actually need to focus on something important. Anyways, I hope that this gets better soon! I can't take much more of not being able to get through the day without back pain

So right after I saw the Rhumeotologist, I went down and saw my GI. He wanted to see me because my body was falling apart and I called him to tell him that earlier this week.

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