13 August 2009

It's been a while since I updated this blog, so I thought that I would as I sit here and wait for the next bus to come by.

Life is interesting for me right now. I have a lot of things going on in my life and no time to make sense of any of them.

This past weekend was the Get Your Guts In Gear Ride for Crohn's and Colitis. It was an absolutely amazing experience that I wish to repeat for many years to come! I always meet some great people working this event, and hook back up with long time friends. The community built around this ride is absolutely amazing and they have been the greatest support group that I could have ever wished for! My Father rode for me this year as I was unable to get clearance from my doctors to participate. My body is doing better than it was a couple of months ago... but I am still a long way from being healthy again. I have to thank him for taking on that task for me! I was so dissapointed when the doctors told me that I couldn't ride this year because I had really gotten my hopes up and started my training, only for them to tell me that it might do more damage in the long term for me to participate. I love that community and will continue to do anything they need me to do to advance the cause

Work is getting Crazy again. For those that don't know... I work for MOViN 92.5 here in Seattle. Everyone is taking vacations this time of the year which means shuffling the schedule around to accomidate the needs of the station with the available staff. This always leads to me working some pretty f'd hours to make sure we have jocks on the air in the shifts that need them. I don't mind too much, it gives me airtime and I have a lot of fun with it. It drives me crazy some times, but I love my job and wouldn't imagine being happy doing ANYTHING else.

Kids grow up WAY too fast. It seems just like yesterday that Amber was in 2nd grade and Elijah was just born, sleeping in my arms in the hospital room. I was sooo terrified holding him at night, scared that I would fall asleep and drop him and not even realize it till he started screaming. Now Amber is heading into 5th grade (in the challenge program also!) and Elijah is almost a year old and starting to attempt to walk around. I blink and they grow up. Next thing you know She'll be bringing home guys to meet the parents and he'll be hiding his girlfriends from us so that we don't embarrass him in front of them.

Outside of that... Life seems to be good! I hope that this new course of medications that they have me on will help and get me back to where I need to be.

Much love for now!

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