08 January 2010

2010 can SUCK IT!!!

I know... I have been neglecting to post anything on here. Truth is.... I haven't really felt like writing anything recently. Life has a really f'd way of messing with you sometimes.

It's not that I don't have anything to talk about. Hell off the top of my head I could have talked about why I abandoned my top 10 list, why NYE sucked balls and set the tone for the rest of the year aparently, the crazy insane hours I have been putting in at work getting things ready for a new year, the podcast that I am trying to launch this weekend, the health and happiness of my kids and wife, my body deciding to hate me once again, ect, ect, ect.......

I just don't have the energy to devote to even thinking comprehendable sentances about any of that...

I don't even have the energy to put into being positive. I have enough to be neutral though... so that's a start.

I thought that life was suppose to start again after Ostomy surgery? I thought that that was the game changer? Really.... NOT A DAMN THING HAS REALLY CHANGED.

Wait a sec.... one thing has changed... I am not in daily pain... just pain every 2-3 days

I don't like this new life. I don't understand it, I don't know how to plan for it, I don't know anything... and that really pisses me off! I can't plan around what I do not understand.

One thing that is KICKING MY ASS lately is Insomnia. I don't understand where it is coming from. I use to deal with it while I was on Prednisone, but I took Ambien and was alright for sleeping. Now... NOTHING is helping me get the sleep I need. So I go to work a Zombie... work as a Zombie... come home feeling like a Zombie... and the cycle repeats...

I think the title says it all for me right now.... 2010 can SUCK IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you. For what it's worth, for me it got better and then not so great and then really great and back and forth. At least the ostomy part of it. I take ambien CR for sleep. It works sometimes. Planning for life in general hasn't worked out that well for me :) Hope you feel better.
