01 June 2009

Can't Think of a Title for this one.......

So we are another week closer to the ride, and once again I am updating you all on my progress from the doctors office. Lately I have been highly anemic, so the doctor has ordered me to receive iron infusions once a week for the next 8 weeks. More than likely you will be seeing more and more posts from the chairs here at the infusion center as we work on getting me into better shape for the ride, and more importantly, better shape for my family.
Training is going....... slow. I haven't spent a lot of time on the bike in the last week and it's all my own fault. Work is a little crazy for some reason. We are in a lul between major events, yet I feel like I have way too much going on to keep on top of things. I have had a lot more put on me to keep track of, and soon I will be without interns to help me. That's when life will get interesting for me around work... leaving me less time to sneak away at lunch to the Gym to get a bit of training in on the stationary bike during my lunch breaks. Soon I hope that I can be feeling well enough to start riding to and from work. It's a bit of a run from Factoria to Burien (actual miles I am not sure of, but I am sure I could look it up if I really wanted to) but I know the route very well and I know where the busses run along that route, so if it becomes too much I can hop on the bus and head home for the night. Both routes to and from work are beautiful to ride, both taking you along or over Lake Washington. Eventually I would love to be able to ride that both ways completely. Hopefully one day I will be able to do just that
Health wise, I don't know if I can say that I am doing better. Like I said at the top of this post, I am in the infusion center of my doctors office getting an iron infusion. (the first of many that he has planned for me) I hope they do what they say they will, as I have been easily exhausted lately and it's kinda starting to piss me off. I can't get through a normal day without feeling like I need a nap. The last bit of blood work that they did they told me my iron # was a 12. They say that a normal adult males # should be around 100. Now I don't have a clue what these #'s actually mean... but elementary math tells me that I am far away from where I need to be.
I HATE THIS!!! I know that I am doing a lot better than a lot of people in this world, and I try to take that into consideration when I am complaining to myself aobut what's going on, but I can't help but to be frustrated with what's been going on. I want to just live life and not feel like I am 60 years old. Hell I am just sitting here in the infusion chair and I am falling asleep. (not that I couldn't use the sleep, I'm just saying) I was out doing the yardwork this past weekend, and I couldn't even get through that without taking breaks. I work a desk job. I have a lot of mental tasks that go along with it, but it isn't even close to what you would think was a physically demanding job. Yet I find myself around 3pm everyday falling asleep at my desk. (good thing I don't take lunch till around then, I can close my office door and take a nap) .......
I have to stop this rant that I was going down. It doesn't help to bitch about it, and it doesn't fix anything, so I am going to stop wasting your time and mine. While yes, sometimes venting about emotional issues is a good thing, I find it to be a fruitless proposition that I don't like to get in to. (my doctor would tend to disagree with this...) I mean venting is a good thing and helps bring down stress levels and improves health and all that happy go lucky shit... but I feel bad venting about this.
I am a very fortunate being on this earth! I have a lovely wife, a great family, a roof over my head, food to eat, a great job that doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime soon, and am up and mobile most of the time. Yes my health leaves something to be desired... but is that something to complain about? I am alive, I am moving, I am a productive member of society. Complaining about what's going wrong won't get me anywhere. Besides, you all have your own things to deal with without having mine piled on top.
I hope that you all are well, and that life has blessed you as much, if not more, than it has me. As always please feel free to reach out and contact me if you want to, I am always up for a good conversation.
Until we meet again.......

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