18 March 2010

I miss...

Now, most guys either won't relate to this or not want to admit that they relate to this... But I know most women will.

You know that friend you have, may not be your best friend, but the one that no matter what you are doing or how long its been you can call and talk anything from mindless chit chat to major life crisis and they we're always there on the other end to listen or ramble or whatever you needed them for?

I had one of those once. Probably the only person in the world that knew everything. I was correct in the use of the past tense. We haven't spoken in a very long time. I'm not really sure why we stopped talking. I know it was in one of my "let's get fucked up all the time to forget that I'm sick and in pain" periods.

I've always wondered what happened to them... How they've been...

Got a really random txt from them a while back asking a bizarre question. I answered hoping it would open the dialogue again... It didn't...

Guess that's just what happens when you grow up...

Really sucks... I could use that friend right now...

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