06 July 2009

random thoughts on a Monday Morning

Good Morning World!

This post won't really have a particular direction that it is going in, but I have a bunch of random things on my mind that I want to get down somewhere, so here it is...

First: We are one month away from the Get Your Guts In Gear Seattle Ride! I am starting to get really excited! I will be crewing this year, so it will be a lot of fun for me, but I am still a little dissapointed that I will not be riding. Well at least with this much time to plan, I can have a lot of fun this year! I am considering packing up the DJ gear for the weekend and taking it along! It would be so much fun to spin everyday at lunch and be in a more constant contact with the riders. We'll see all the riders in 1 short month!

USA soccer... What can I say, the Brazil match in the Confederations cup has to be the most exciting game that I have seen them play in a long time! I really do hope that that was a preview of the level of play that they will be bringing to the table for the World Cup next year in South Africa. Tim Howard is well on his way of filling the shoes left behind by Kasey Keller and it is a pleasure to watch him in goal. A couple of Sounders FC players got the call to play on the team for the Gold Cup matches this past weekend so here's to hoping they get a slot on the final 18 man roster for the cup next year. Watching the Gold Cup match against Grenada was funny at best. Watching Grenada stumble around the field, and having a keeper that didn't look any better than me, was a great pick me up. Hopefully we can make better teams look that stupid soon.

The 4th of July was fun. I spent it out at my fathers house with a bunch of his coworkers enjoying a beautiful day. I wish that I would have known more people there so that I could have had more people to talk to, but I managed to get by. They dug a pit out in the back corner of his yard and did a whole pig in the ground. That was AWESOME!!! It was so delicious, and I'm still eating on it. (I took an entire hotel pan of pig home with me at the end of the night) I thought that my son would have a problem with all the explosions and such, but he loved watching the colors and shapes. It was just the howling types that he got a little scared of. I was impressed. Just like daddy, he has very sensitive hearing, but can hear things that I didn't think he could. Maybe he'll follow daddy into the music industry. I very much enjoyed spending the day with my father and his wife. We don't get to do that often enough. I know that there is a lot of tension inside the family because of this or that, but I try not to get involved with it as I just don't want it to get in the way of the relationship that my family and I have with him. I don't spend enough time with him and his wife, and would spend more if I had a vehicle to make it happen more often. That's my new goal for the year, get reliable transportation so that I can go see the parents and family more often.

Now on to my favorite sport to watch F1. I have to say that the drama needs to end! FOTA and the FIA finally found common ground, now it's time to get back to the business of racing! Now if I were a voting member of the FIA, the idiot Max Mosley would have been gone a long time ago. He has brought a lot of embarassment to the establishment for too long, and the instance that the FOTA said that they wanted him out or they were gone, he would have been canned! Bernie and the FOM aren't doing much better. It is absolutely rediculous that the 2nd largest market for F1 (North America) doesn't have a race on the calendar for either 2009 or 2010. I think someone needs to check ol' Bernies pockets to see why there are all these new races in Asia, but nothing in North America. Bernie and Max, do the racing world a favor, DISAPPEAR!

If you are looking for a great show to watch, I highly recommend Mad Men on AMC. It's set in 1960's NY and follows the lifes of advertising executives on Madison Ave. It's interesting stuff. I have to say that some things seem a little overdone, but overall a great story. Give it a watch if you need something to kill some time.

I now kinda have an idea of what it was like for my mother in the summers. Growing up I lived with my mother and spent weekends with my father. During the summer, because of the lack of need to be one place to get to school, we would spend longer amounts of time with my father. Well these last couple weeks, my daughter has been spending time away for one reason or another. At first it was pretty cool to have the time with my wife and the quiet around the house. Now I miss her not being there. It gets way too quiet around the house and its a little eerie. That's alright, we'll just have to have more fun when she gets home.

Well there are my random thought for the day. Hopefully you are all having a great day.

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